Under UK law an employer can fairly dismiss an employee on 5 grounds:-

  • Conduct
  • Capability
  • Redundancy
  • Continued employment would breach a statute provision
  • Some other substantial reason

However, employers must follow fair procedures and show that the decision to dismiss was within the range of reasonable responses open to the employer.

If not, then the dismissal may be unfair.

Unfair Dismissal Solicitors for Employees

If you felt forced to resign due to the action of your employer, then you may have a claim for constructive unfair dismissal (provided that you had been continuously employed for 2 years or more by your ex-employer).

If you consider that you have been unfairly or constructively dismissed, then you may be entitled to claim compensation against your ex-employer.  However, you must act quickly as you only have 3 months from the date of termination to bring a claim.

Richard Reed can help you in providing an initial assessment of the merits of your claim and contacting ACAS to begin early conciliation if appropriate.

Speak to a member of our Employment Law team for more information

Call our offices on 0191 567 0465 or Request a call back

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